
Prof. Antoine Da Costa

CHU de Saint-Étienne

We’ve found distinct advantages with the Stereotaxis system over manual approaches, not only in patient outcomes but in our own productivity. It has made it easier for us to organize and complete heavy daily clinical programs, with less fatigue at the end of the day.

“The results we’ve achieved with the Stereotaxis system have elevated us to a world-class, modern cardiology institution,” said Professor Antoine Da Costa, Chief of the EP Unit at CHU de Saint-Étienne in France. That was years ago, when the hospital was installing its second system to accommodate growing patient demand for “this high-tech solution,” he said.

As of today, Prof. Da Costa has completed thousands of cardiac ablation procedures with RMN and authored five clinical studies on robotic magnetic navigation. “We’ve found distinct advantages with Stereotaxis over manual approaches, not only in patient outcomes but in our own productivity,” says Prof. Da Costa. “It has made it easier for us to organize and complete heavy daily clinical programs, with less fatigue at the end of the day.”

So exciting to see a program taking full advantage of the benefits of magnetic navigation!