
Dr. Tamas Szili-Torok

Újszeged Egészségközpont- Diabetes Centrum

Recent advances in technology, such as the combination of e-Contact module and Ablation History, together with modifying our workflow to adopt these new features have been game changers.

Dr. Tamas Szili-Torok has a long list of credentials in robotic cardiac ablation: Co-Founder and President of the Society for Cardiac Robotic Navigation, Stereotaxis user since 2007, researcher, educator, speaker, and early adopter. He and his team were the first in the world to employ the new e-Contact module, which provides physicians with a simple-to-interpret indicator of catheter tip-to-tissue contact. In 2011, he successfully performed the first procedure with the Vdrive robotic navigation system. Finally, in 2020, he performed 6 ablations in 8 hours using Stereotaxis technology during a live broadcast.

“Recent advances in technology, such as the combination of e-Contact module and Ablation History, together with modifying our workflow to adopt these new features have been game changers,” says Dr. Szili-Torok.

The advancement of remote technologies for cardiac ablation would not be the same without your contributions, Dr. Szili-Torok… Thank you!