Dr. Yingbo Yang
UC Davis Medical Center
I believe the system is more capable than the human hand and will inevitably replace the manual approach to ablation.
“Only technological breakthroughs move the science of medicine forward,” says Dr. Yingbo Yang, Associate Clinical Professor at UC Davis Medical Center in California, who began using Stereotaxis technology “as soon as I was able.”
“I saw others using the system and it appeared a wonderful tool for precision and allowed me to get out of lead. I find it much easier to communicate with staff during these procedures which is beneficial to me and the patient. I believe the precise movement allows for better mapping especially in difficult ventricular cases.” says Dr. Yang, who’s had many successes in PVC and atypical flutter with the Stereotaxis system. “Its gentle touch and extremely low complication rates erase all fear for me to treat PVC patients.”
Dr. Yang says he would like to see robotic navigation reach the acceptance level of ultrasound. “I believe the system is more capable than the human hand and will inevitably replace the manual approach to ablation.”